Thursday, October 25, 2007

BSoD at NYC 2600

Im not too fond of 'the scene' but i figured I might as well give the local 2600 group a shot. Some of the early BSoD fans and members can all attest how big of a script kiddie pain in the ass 2600 members have been towrds us. Rooting the old IRC server (buy simply asking the ignorant shell admin for the password) then DDoSing the BSoD site and IRC servers... all because they couldnt act maturely in BSoD. Not to mention the legal troubles I got into because of 2600 and other 'Scene' members that decided to narc on me. It didnt work assholes, i walked away from it scott free! unlike you, I dont do immature skiddie shit to proove anything. ANYWAYS!!

It was kosherPig (aka Jew) Mustang and I. We show up at the Citigroup building on lexington and 53td, where the meet is held every month. This is a place where there is a lot of banking and high profile buisness. So they have some pretty decent security. before we even get to the meet inside we ned to get all of out shit checked to make sure we wont blow anyone up. This is where the fun began, mainly because i decided to take my WiVi rifle for test in the city, plus im sure the 2600 people would have found it interesting. i also brought a bunch of other gizmos and gadgets, most of them home built, something that rasies 'flags'.

We walk in and get our shit checked out by an xray machine. KP goes through no problem, he just has his laptop in a diaper bag (from episode 1). Me on the other hand, I had:

GPS Unit
USB Wifi with RPSMA Mod
6dB Collinear antenna that looked like a pipe bomb
two FRS radios, one was modded and looked like a detonator.
Radio scanner
3 foot long antenna (homebrew of course)
multiple smaller antennas, all of them being various coils of wire
Scanner Coax cable
three niMH rechargeable batteries
Solar Charging LiION battery in a GBA SP form factor.
WiVi Rifle.

When walking around NYC with thr WiVi rifle, people tend to stare... the also tend to freak out and try to get far away from you as possible because they have NO idea WTF it is, all they know is its home made and looks like a weapon. When we get to the front doors of course security looks at us like "Ummm... ok?".

So KP gets his bag scanned and walks through, no worries... Next it was my turn. They had to take a little longer to look at all the crap that was in my bag, and then the WiVi rifle. Mustang pointed out to me that they were so busy staring at all my shit coming off the xray convayor belt, they didnt even look at the monitor when his bag passed through. They didnt question him about his meds and hypodermic needles (hes a diabetic).

We get to the main spot a tad early which is a small food court. The first 2 floors of this place is like any standard mall. Wide open 1st and 2nd floor. People on the 2nd floor can look down and see people in the food court. I saw a large metal plant pot with some foliage and said "Ok, we are sitting here, its a tactical advantage. I sit down, put my back to the planter, and settle. The advantage to the plant pot and crap sticking out of it was so that no one can sneak up on me, or stay out of my field of vision. Yes, im that paranoid! Remember what i said in episode 1, know your surroundings.

Things started to escilate quickly. Security didnt know WTF to make of these three guys that just walked in with all this unknown gear. They dont see shit like this every day, even hosting 2600 meets every month. I knew the Wivi rifle would get some attention, but i didnt know it would be such a hit!

As soon as we start to settle i see security checking us out form every corner. KosherPig has been under my training for some time, he knows how to assess a situation, he knows a bit about urban combat and gurella warfare now... Within 5 minutes there were 4 guards covering the front two escilators, two on the second floor, one on each side of us, two security guards holding off the front two exits, and two cops with their gun unholdstered and ready for a firefight behind us. One random guard come up to us and asks "What is that thing? is it a gun!?". You could tell he was nervous as all HELL! That guy must have picked the short straw. You dont want to be the one to walk up to the unstable guy thats obviousaly wired with batteries and god knows what else and ask is hes going to blow himself up or not. We definately raised some heart rates that day.

I explain to the guards what the WiVi rifle is, how it works and such. They were very polite and seemed to be interested in its simple yet ingenius deign and function. After about 15 minutes they saw we were no threat and just went back to sleeping. Im glad my back was against that plant, if any of them would have come up behind me, i might have been triggered into a psychotic snap... which would have been a BAD THING.

The meeting went fairly well. There were some good folk there. It was general geek chatter and such. We handed out over 40 BSoD DVDs to people, met a fan of the show, and explained the WiVi Rifle at least as many times as we handed out a DVD. I was expecting to get some attention, not be the center of it all. I dont mind, really, but i wasnt expecting such a swarm of people to swoon over the thing. Its not like this kind of shit is all that new, ive been doing WiVi shit for at least 5 years now. But hey, they liked it, they asked questions, we told stories. It was all good. We werent allowed to take pictures inside the building, i think its because there is a lot of banking and shit done in there. Eh' im not gonna complain, at least they let us all in and hog the atrium.

We made the front page of NYC 2600. There are some photos here and here

I want to extend my thanks to the NYC 2600 group for taking some of the sour taste the past 10 years of l33t ass hax0r 2600 people have left. Good to see some REAL people in 'the scene'. But dont expect me to take my guard down anytime soon... Maybe we will make another appearance next month with some more toys. Time (and my bank account) shall tell.

Here are some memorable photos taken outside after the meetup:

1 comment:

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