Friday, April 10, 2009

WebTV RM4100 Update on the down-low

Turns out my suspicion of the Web TV's new BIOS Socket being the main cause for failure. I removed the socket and in the process it was utterly destroyed. I Soldered the original BIOS back in place and the unit is back to its regular function. I lost my two other programmed chips, but no worries, I have a few spares. I'm pretty sure the BIOS I am working on will be what we need to boot the unit as a PC, with a few missing features, but I think the OS and a little iron time will fix those.

So YAY! The WebTV 2 is back to life!


Unknown said...

It seems like you're a pretty inteligent guy. I'm trying to work out some details for a new business and would like to speak with you. If you're interested in making some money (legally of course) please contact me.

linux_junkie said...

Foxx, whaz up! It's me LJ. Still plugging away at that RM4100? I am working with a really cool pmgr on IP1000/RM4100 tv-out stuff...coreboot...and more!

Foxx said...

Joseph, love to contact you IF I COULD! Send me an E-Mail or visit my web page for contact info